The elegance of entrepreneurship: getting to know A100 Chair, Aaryn Flynn
Incoming A100 Chair, Aaryn Flynn, brings deep technology experience, an entrepreneurial spirit, and creative passion to his new role with Alberta’s foremost tech pioneers and mentors Congratulations on your appointment as A100 Chair, Aaryn. You’ve been a member of the A100 since 2017, but can you tell us more about your entrepreneurial journey? I started […]
On leadership, product-market fit, and failures: A100 member Clark Johannson is still far from the sidelines
From his early days with the family business to running 12 companies (and counting), A100 member and CEO of Clickspace, Clark Johannson, shares his passion for learning, how to recognize true market fit, and how to know when you just need to walk away. What can you tell us about your entrepreneurial journey? I grew […]