Pain relief or vitamins? A100 member Terry Sydoryk on the question founders need to ask

Terry Sydoryk

Self-described ‘company creator’, Terry Sydoryk, digs into executing on product-market fit, the magic of good timing, and the secret to good leadership. So, tell me how it all began. I graduated from the University of Alberta with a mechanical engineering degree and spent about 18 months in the energy services business. I quickly realized the […]

Championing Alberta tech with A100 member David Edmonds

David Edmonds headshot

When it comes to tech startups and entrepreneurs in Alberta, David Edmonds is the man with the plan, network, and know-how. Check out the story behind one of the original tech “influencers”.  What can you tell me about your entrepreneurial story? Well, you’re getting into prehistoric times [laughs]. When I graduated from school, I got […]