The elegance of entrepreneurship: getting to know A100 Chair, Aaryn Flynn

Aaryn Flynn

Incoming A100 Chair, Aaryn Flynn, brings deep technology experience, an entrepreneurial spirit, and creative passion to his new role with Alberta’s foremost tech pioneers and mentors Congratulations on your appointment as A100 Chair, Aaryn. You’ve been a member of the A100 since 2017, but can you tell us more about your entrepreneurial journey? I started […]

Championing Alberta tech with A100 member David Edmonds

David Edmonds headshot

When it comes to tech startups and entrepreneurs in Alberta, David Edmonds is the man with the plan, network, and know-how. Check out the story behind one of the original tech “influencers”.  What can you tell me about your entrepreneurial story? Well, you’re getting into prehistoric times [laughs]. When I graduated from school, I got […]

Accelerate Fund II invests in Userful to broadcast visual content to virtually any screen

Accelerate Fund II today announced its investment in Userful Corporation, the Calgary and California-based technology company that has grown to become a leading provider of visual communication solutions. Today Userful announced it has closed its first round of funding, led by Accelerate Fund II, managed by Yaletown Partners and with support of The A100. In […]