Asking for help (and how to give it): A100 member Carey Houston walks the talk

Carey Houston

Entrepreneur, mentor, A100 pioneer and voracious reader, Carey Houston has been there, done that — and her work is far from done Tell me how your entrepreneurial path began. That’s a great question. I actually started in the tech industry in Toronto and worked in three startups there. Then I decided it would be much […]

Championing Alberta tech with A100 member David Edmonds

David Edmonds headshot

When it comes to tech startups and entrepreneurs in Alberta, David Edmonds is the man with the plan, network, and know-how. Check out the story behind one of the original tech “influencers”.  What can you tell me about your entrepreneurial story? Well, you’re getting into prehistoric times [laughs]. When I graduated from school, I got […]