A100 Community expands throughout Western Canada

In the 13 years since the A100’s inception, Alberta’s tech ecosystem has evolved dramatically. The technology industry in Alberta has now gained solid footing, and as we look forward to the inevitable maturing of this ecosystem, we recognize the exciting opportunity to expand the A100 throughout Western Canada as we reaffirm our commitment to championing […]

A100 member John Murphy on innovation, expectation, and chasing the dream

Having worked with NASA, Apple and Boeing, John “Murf” Murphy talks the highs and lows of being a tech entrepreneur and why sometimes it’s about just getting it done  I’ve heard you say that you’ve never really worked for anybody else but yourself? Yeah, that’s right. I’m just one of those serial entrepreneur guys. Right […]

Championing Alberta tech with A100 member David Edmonds

David Edmonds headshot

When it comes to tech startups and entrepreneurs in Alberta, David Edmonds is the man with the plan, network, and know-how. Check out the story behind one of the original tech “influencers”.  What can you tell me about your entrepreneurial story? Well, you’re getting into prehistoric times [laughs]. When I graduated from school, I got […]